Do you ever find yourself in hard times, worrying about what’s going to come next in your life? Believe me, we’ve all been there. However, by the power of faith in God, you can relieve that worry by trusting in Him. Here are 10 faith quotes that will help you worry less during hard times.
1. “If we prayed as much as we worried, we’d have a lot less to worry about. Give God your worries.”
When rough times hit in our lives, where do we turn? This quote summarizes it well; we need to pray more or as much as we worry. Worrying will get us nowhere, but prayer can get us anywhere.
2. “Faith ends where worry begins, and worry ends where faith begins.”
Jesus calls us many times in the Gospels to have faith because faith dispels worry in our lives. If you want to get rid of worry, set your mind on faith.
3. “Don’t worry. God is always on time.”
One of the great things about God’s nature is the fact that He knows the perfect timing for all things. It may not happen in your timing, but it will always happen in God’s perfect timing.
4. “Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, faith looks up.”
Sometimes, our worry is caused because our focus is on the wrong thing. When you place your focus on God instead of the things that are worrying you, your mindset will quickly shift.
5. “Talk to God first before anything else. Release your worries to Him”
Whenever you feel worried and anxiety is creeping in, talk to God. Tell Him what you’re feeling, and He will be faithful to help you in it.
6. “Turn your worry into worship and watch God turn your battles into blessings.”
Use worry as an opportunity to worship because you know God is going to do something great! Give it up to Him in praise.
7. “Worrying does not move the hand of God, but faith does. Exchange worry for trusting God and you will see progress.”
God wants us to trust in Him even when we are plagued with worry and doubt. Despite your situation, place your faith in God and He will work things out for your good.
8. “Faith is the only thing I know of that is stronger than fear.”
Overcome your fear and worry with faith and trust in the God who knows all, sees all, and is sovereign over all. He will guide you through it when you place your faith in Him.
9. “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”
As Jesus pointed out, worry does nothing but take the joy out of today. Leave it to God and focus on what He has called you to right now, at this moment.
10. “Prayer is bringing your wishes and worries to God; faith is leaving them there.”
It’s good to bring your worries to God in prayer, but true faith is leaving them with Him to take care of. God has got this! Trust Him to bring you through to the other side.