Being a  Christian, unfortunately, does not insulate you from life’s demands. It, therefore, means that Christians are just as prone to high levels of anxiety and stress as others. This fast-paced world demands your constant attention and time. It is a never-ending cycle. For many Christians, their activities may be church-related, whether it is several leadership positions, volunteering, planning and executing church events, or participation in weekly church services. All of these are commendable activities, but anything done in excess leads to intemperance and imbalance, resulting in one feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and stressed. This indicates a lack of self-care. This can manifest itself in physical ways, including frequent headaches, heart palpitations, and disorders like anxiety and panic. Therefore, Christians must practice self-care rituals for anxiety and stress to ensure that they are operating at their optimum as they share in God’s work.  These rituals are not selfish self-care rituals that the world promotes but spiritual and physical self-care tips that will help recalibrate our souls and refresh our bodies to better serve and minister to our fellow men.


Cast all your anxiety on Him - If it matters to you, it matters to God. Tell Him about all your cares and concerns. Open up to him in prayer and unburden as needed. He is listening, and most importantly, he cares for you. Put daily prayer and communion with God at the top of your self-care rituals.

Practice Mediation – Whether it is deep breathing or Christian mindfulness, mediation is known to help to soothe one’s spirit and counter anxiety. Your breathing can control your emotions, and it is helpful to come apart from the stressful demands and spend some time in meditation.


Get Some ‘Me Time’ – You are useless to persons around you if you are not well-rested and refreshed physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Yes, your family needs you, and so does your boss and your church and community members, but you are of no help to them if you are not taking care of yourself. Even Jesus took some time away from the crowd and his best friends, the disciples, to spend time in prayer and solace.  Make some time for yourself. ‘Me time’ is not selfish; it is necessary.


Exercise – Feeling extremely overwhelmed and under the weather? It would help if you had a shot of endorphins, and that is exactly what exercise provides, along with other physical benefits, of course. Factor in some exercise in your routine, be it daily, every other day, thrice a week, etc. Regular exercise is a great stress reliever. It is even more effective when coupled with interaction with nature. Nothing beats some beautiful sunshine and fresh air for a spiritual boost.


Inspirational Media – You can choose to create a playlist of your favorite gospel songs, or a chart with some solid Biblical promises and scriptural affirmations, or a list of inspirational quotes. Inspirational media is very effective when you are feeling stressed and anxious. You can use these to boost your spirit and decrease your anxiety. Nothing hits home like a well-timed song that seeps into the very fibers of your soul. You can certainly find some inspirational media for your self-care routine on our App.


Social Relations - Surround yourself with good friends who will not only listen as you vent but who will also encourage you in the Lord.  As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17) Good friends can really bring joy to your spirit and help you to distress and overcome your anxiety.


God wants us to take care of our “body temple,” and he wishes above all things that we will prosper and be in good health, even as our soul prospereth.