There are many misconceptions concerning meditation. Meditation is not secular; in fact, the Bible does talk about meditating in the word of God. Meditation is deep thinking and reflection. In Joshua 1:8, we are advised to meditate in the word of God in the day and at night. To meditate in God’s word helps us align our thoughts to God and His ways.


Joshua 1:8, Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.


When we meditate on God’s word or in thoughts that uplift or spark creativity, we are concentrating on positive and life-giving things. Meditation allows us to take a step back and reflect on our actions. It can help us evaluate our actions and our decision-making process. If you think about it, meditation is beneficial, and it is a habit that we must develop and cultivate. When you decide with a clear perspective, you can surely bet that you will make the right decisions that will lead to desirable results.


Everything in life is cause and effect. You do something, and you should expect an outcome of some sort. When you give yourself the chance to reflect and ponder on good thoughts that give you hope, provide clarity, and align themselves to the mind of Christ, then you can expect that the effects will result in your favor. Think about the ripple effects that your daily routines and actions are affecting your days and your life.


Meditation should be a daily practice, as mentioned in the scriptures. We must meditate in God’s word day and night. We are advised to do day and night and never have the word of God depart from our speech because there is an emphasis on habit formation. Our behaviors are habits, and the more we pursue certain behaviors, the more we reinforce them as habits. We must adopt the practice of meditating in God so that our thoughts can be refreshed and renewed and can be realigned to God’s ways, especially when we fall off track.


How can you meditate in God’s word? Nowadays, we have Christian apps, podcasts, sermons, and Christian conferences on YouTube, all at a click of a button. If you are a reader, you can connect to our blog or app. You can listen to Christian audible books or Bible devotionals even on our Amen App. The options are many. All you have to do is plug into the word of God and make it a habit. It can be one of the most significant habits that you can adopt into your daily schedule and routines. This is your way of seeking the kingdom.


Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” 


Seek the Lord and meditate on what He wants to share with you. Meditate upon your life and where you want to be in the next five years. Meditate on the decisions that you are about to make. Reflect upon how you are spending your time. Ask yourself if you are investing your time well with those most important to you. Life is short, but we must live a good quality of life without wasting an essential thing that we have, which is time. To live a good life, one must learn the art of self-reflection—meditation.