It’s difficult to maintain a healthy spiritual life in the midst of the world’s chaos. When we’re so busy trying to be physically or mentally healthy, sometimes we can neglect the spiritual. Let’s look at some ways that you can take care of yourself spiritually daily.


1.      Read the Word of God regularly


God’s Word is His gift to us. I’ve even heard it said that the Bible is God’s love letter to the church. It’s a good thing and it brings life to those who hear it! Since having a relationship with God is the true key to your spiritual health, it’s important that you read His Word regularly to learn what He is like and how He interacts with His people as well as how you should live as a follower of Jesus.


2.      Pray constantly


Prayer is the way that we speak back to God. It’s how we make our requests known, how we thank Him for everything that He is doing, and how we talk to Him as our Father in heaven. Although prayer can sometimes be daunting, especially if it’s something you aren’t used to, there is no set way to pray. Just simply take the time to speak to God as if He were your friend, and tell Him your thoughts, feelings, and dreams. Let Him know what you’re thankful for and why you love Him.


3.      Spend time with other Christians


The Bible tells us that the church is the body of Christ. It also tells us that the Holy Spirit lives within each of us who are truly born-again Christians. This means that when we spend time with other Christians and we fellowship with one another, we are experiencing God through that person. When we take the time to spend with people who have God in them, we are spending time with God Himself and stepping into His presence. Spending time with other Christians is necessary for your walk with Christ and allowing them to help you on your journey is a strong tool for your spiritual health.


4.      Look for God working in your life


The worst thing that we can fall into in life is to think that God isn’t working. Since the culture that we live in is one of hurry and business that is focused on just getting on to the next thing, we must learn to slow down so that we can look for where God is working in our lives. Whether it’s something relatively small or big, God is always working somewhere in our lives, we just often aren’t aware of it happening. Once we learn to look for it, we begin to see Him work and it builds our faith and trust in Him. Prayers that we prayed months ago get answered and instead of not even realizing it happened, we can appreciate it and give thanksgiving to God. This will not only cultivate your relationship with Him but will also cause you to live in a state of joy and thankfulness.


All of these steps can easily be done in our Amen app too, don’t wait up – download it now today for free!