The concept of ‘Quiet Time’ within Christendom is not a new phenomenon. It is generally thought of as being derived from the “ancient discipline of intentionally making space in one’s day to commune with God.” Though there may not be any ‘one size fits all’ formula for what a person’s quiet time will look like, there is some consensus that the practice enables the individual to deepen their relationship with God.
Developing your Quiet Time Routine
Finding the time to be still and know that ‘He is God’ does not come naturally. Our 21st-century world takes no prisoners as it tumbles along with work, recreation, errands, commutes, school, and simply, survival. Christians are not immune to the pull and pressures of everyday living. There has to be a strategy and deliberate effort in creating a period, whether daily or weekly, to have some time, alone, with the owner of the universe. He invites us to rest awhile, to cast our burdens, cares, and anxieties on Him. He calls us to reason with Him, and as one songwriter puts it well; to “tell Him all our sorrows, tell Him all our joys; we can tell Him all that pleases us and tell Him what annoys.” Though the spirit-led person can have a running conversion with God throughout the day, the results may not be the same as setting aside a designated space and place to renew oneself in the concentrated presence of God.
Tips for Quiet Time
· Find a consistent place (as far as possible): As much as you are able to, identify a physical space with the least distractions. Jesus and other bible figures were known to go somewhere to be alone to communicate with God. Nothing beats having a place where one feels at rest, being open and honest with God, beyond prying eyes.
· Identify a consistent time: For the busy lives that many persons lead, a set time to sit for prayer, a song, scripture, or prayer is an almost impossible task. With this said, the ability then to just find this time in the day (or night) is a feat in itself. A consistent time though, introduces the idea of discipline and giving God priority in the lifestyle. The more the Quiet Time is engaged in, the more it is looked forward to as an oasis from the constant hustle and bustle of life.
· Have a structured plan/order: This involves deciding beforehand what activities we will engage in during our Quiet Time. It may be that each day carries a different action, but there is still order. Day one in a week, for instance, may take the form of a praise session in song or recorded music, followed by a devotional reading, then prayer, while Day two can have another order. The idea is to predetermine your activities for the session, so that your quiet time will be productive and profitable. It is also important to schedule in time to just listen to God, as you meditate on his words.
Outcomes of Quiet Time
Being alone with God has several benefits. Key among them is a deeper appreciation of God and His ability to help us get things into perspective. As your quiet time practice deepens, there is anticipation to meet with God at a set time and understand his will. Strength is earned to meet life's challenges and give light and hope to others struggling with the many issues. There is everything to gain and nothing to lose by developing this habit; to be still and know that He is God.